
Best Pool Backwash Hoses for Swimming Pool Cleaning

A pool filter plays a significant role in maintaining your water: it blocks contaminants from returning to the pool. Because of this, you will eventually have a buildup of material on the inside that needs to be cleaned. Instead of doing it manually, it is much easier to backwash the filter. And to do it quickly and easily, you’ll need the best pool backwash hose.

Backwash hoses are designed to carry water from your pump outlet to where you plan to dispose of it. To do its job correctly, the best pool backwash hose must be long enough and made of solid materials to withstand water discharge.

To help you find the right one for the job, the products for our Pool Backwash Hose Reviews were handpicked based on their performance. And if you want to learn more about what makes a great hose, check out the buying guide below.

The Maytronics Dolphin Robotic Pool Cleaner is an excellent product that can help keep your pool clean and in great shape. It is easy to use, has a low-maintenance design, and features powerful cleaning action that can get rid of all the debris in your pool quickly. Plus, it is affordable, so you can get exactly what you need without spending too much money. So if you’re looking for a robotic pool cleaner that can do the job well and be affordable, the Maytronics Dolphin Robotic Pool Cleaner is definitely worth considering.


How To Choose A Backwash Hose – Buying Guide

Size (diameter and length)

Getting the correct hose size is crucial to its performance. When talking about the diameter, it must be compatible with the backwash outlet of the pump. Some models come with a clamp to tighten the hose onto the pipe to fit better and prevent leaks. Also, a larger diameter improves water flow, so flushing and backwashing can be finished faster.

In terms of length, the hose must be long enough to reach the pump to the planned disposal site. Too long a model will require too much space and be difficult to pack, so we suggest you choose the exact length you need.

hose material

Backwash hoses must be made of high-quality materials to withstand high water pressure. The material of choice is usually PVC, which is robust and resistant to UV rays and chemicals.

Also, you should pay attention to the material thickness as well. While it may be heavier, the thicker material will better resist damage. Some models even use polyester fibres as wall reinforcement to enhance strength further.


All of the hoses we review have a high degree of flexibility. This allows you to position the hose however you like without twisting or damaging it. This makes it easier to use, and the added flexibility also makes the hose more durable.

durability and strength

Since they will be dealing with a large water flow, these hoses must be durable. Both durability and strength are directly related to materials and build quality, so this was essential when choosing products for our list. A well-made hose will last for many years and will withstand exposure to the sun and chemicals.

Weight and Storage

Due to their length and PVC thickness, backwash hoses are heavy. Still, this shouldn’t be a deciding factor when buying. Heavier hose generally means higher quality, which should always come first.

Regarding storage, it’s better if a model comes with a flat design. This allows you to coil the hose tightly, thus requiring very little storage space (despite being 50 or 100 feet long).

Warranty period

While most of these hoses are durable, it’s always nice to have a warranty if something goes wrong. This gives you confidence and shows you that the company believes in how the hose is made. Many high-quality hoses come with one to two years of total coverage, so you can use them without worry.

Hose maintenance

Fortunately, very little maintenance is required with backwash hoses. They’re almost self-cleaning – clean water will run through and be flushed out once it’s done its job. Still, clean it of dirt and debris before putting it away. Also, it must be scorched to avoid strange odours or mould.

Frequent Ask Questions

Q: What is a pool backwash hose used for?

A: A backwash hose transports dirty filter water from the pool pump to the disposal point. Unless you want to create a puddle in your backyard when you backwash the filter, a hose is required to discharge the water to a better location.

Q: How to use a backwash hose?

A: While the process is relatively simple, many people wonder how to connect the backwash hose properly. You can do this and perform the backwash process by following these simple steps:

  • First, make sure the filter system is turned off.
  • Place one end of the backwash hose over the backwash outlet of the pool pump
  • Use the steel clamp (if provided) to secure the connection and prevent leakage
  • Uncoil the hose and place the other end where you want the sewage to go.
  • Open the backwash valve on the pump system
  • Please turn on the filtration system and let it run for one to three minutes.
  • After it discharges and backflushes clean water, could you turn it off and close the valve?
  • You can leave the hose on, but it’s best to remove it for storage (it will last longer)
  • Remember to add some DE (Diatomaceous Earth) to the filter to increase its performance

Q: What size backwash hose do I need?

A: It depends on how far the pump disposal site is from your pool. Generally, a 50-foot hose will do the job for most pool owners. Remember to check the diameter before buying, as this will allow you to correctly place the hose on the outlet.

Q: How long does a pool backwash?

A: The process usually takes between 1 and 3 minutes, depending on how dirty your pool is. This is enough time to rinse the filter thoroughly. Remember that backflushing for a long time removes DE from the filter and a substantial amount of pool water, so getting carried away can be costly.

Q: How often should you backwash a pool?

A: You should backwash a pool once a week (with everyday use). It is best to add this to your standard maintenance routine, and it is best done after you vacuum the pool. If your collection has been used significantly more than usual, you may need to backwash it more frequently.

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